Life Coach! What is a Life Coach?

 Just like any sports coach we are on your team supporting and motivating you on your way to being the best possible you! I will cheer you all the way to your goals finding that passion you may have lost.

 We can bury ourselves in work, looking after children, socialising, daily life routines!! Have we forgotten who we are, who we truly are?

I can help you find your energy, I can help you find your confidence, I can help you find your discipline, I can help you want to learn again. I will support and guide you to your successful life!

I have worked for the last 21 years in the same job and while I am so grateful for that experience and money that has kept me and my family alive, did I enjoy the work…..NO, not at all. 

I used to hear this phrase, live to work don’t work to live.  I thought, wouldn’t that be nice but I never took it seriously.  Now I get it, I actually get it and you can too. 

It starts with your values, your beliefs, your habits and your behaviours, we will work through them all.

I am here to coach you along in your life, I am here to help you work out what it is that makes you thrive.  We work together sorting out a plan to get you moving forward in the right direction, the direction that’s right for you.


Facts about me

I have worked in a Government agency for 21 years. I have two children and a partner. I am energetic and I am interested, I want to hear about you and your life.  For so long I was looking for someone to help me improve myself as I was too busy  keeping my kids alive and trying to be the best mum I could be.  I was drinking lots of alcohol, eating all the wrong foods and not moving enough!  I knew what to eat and how to exercise, so why can’t I put that salad in my mouth why do I keep bringing a wine glass to my lips instead, WHY?   I needed to know why, so I asked all the questions to myself and worked on myself improving and changing my mindset. That is where I found life coaching.  I have finally found my tribe.  I have wanted to help people all my life but didn’t think I was good enough why would anyone listen to me! After coaching and working on myself not just saying I’ll do something, but actually putting in the work and moving forward, I have realised I have been that person all along. I am so looking forward to meeting you!  I will work hard along side you helping and supporting you all the way to your success, to your dream life.  We can get you there together!

Contact me today.

Let’s book in your free consult, this could be the beginning of the life you have always wanted.


Get started with Jackie, today.