Frequentley Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this like counselling? Yes and No, Yes we sit down and talk about your life but no I am not here to tell you where you are going wrong or tell you how to act. I will ask you incredible questions so that you will forever have the tools to improve your life.

Is it online or in person? That is totally up to you and where you live. I have an office in Bull Creek, Western Australia. If you live nearby why not come in for a session. Otherwise online is the way to go!

What is the difference between a coach and a psychologist? I am not here to give you advice or tell you how to feel or what to do I am here to encourage and guide you to be the best you can be and help you move forward.

Will this be hard work? Yes, at first there will be some beliefs and values that we will change and so starting new healthy habits in life will be a challenge but will be rewarded with great success in your life.

When do I pay? I ask for payment up front or we can work out a payment plan.

What if I don’t want to come back? The first consult is free so you can work out if this incredible program is for you.

Do we have to go deep? This program will only work if you are honest with yourself, we do not have to touch on any emotions you do not want to. We will however acknowledge their existence.

Do you have accreditation? Yes I have completed the Mastery Course in Coaching and the Advanced Mastery Course in Coaching. All recognised by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


I am so grateful I have found my purpose. My energy comes from helping people. Let me show you the way to a happy, healthy and wealthy life.


Want to find your purpose in life, where there is an abundance of energy, wealth and happiness. Book now for your free consult.